Thursday, May 13, 2010

Conclusions and bibliography

Literature and literary discourses have adapted to the various virtual platforms in recent years. In Peru it that happened in a smoothly way although there is still more research all focus points of enunciation are not limited to the capital, but also the provinces where there is necessary more literary activity. Internet could be and is a medium to expose new literature initiatives that sometimes traditional media do not consider.

The projct of the Facebook page of the RELIT left positive results: got many fans, activities and discussions of common users as well as literary persons in the world 'real' world of Peru.

This will promote dialogue with other countries in Latin America and abroad involved in this dynamic. For example, the Creative Writing Master of Spanish at NYU and the Latin American Review of Harvard have a Facebook page, as well as scholars such as Doris Sommer and George Yudice.

The important thing is to take the risk of explore the advantages of the platform as we help create new bridges of communication and interaction and find literarities beyond traditional forms


Boyd, D.M., & Ellison, N. B. (2007). “Social network sites: Definition, history, and scholarship. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication”, 13(1), article 11.

Fernández Mallo, Agustín Postpoesía. Hacia un Nuevo paragidma. Barcelona: Anagrama, 2009.

Kiektik Sullivan, Mario. “Mirando Facebook como Cornalitos” en Proyecto Facebook.

Laddaga, Reinaldo “From Work to Conversation: Writing and Citizenship in a Global AgePublications of the Modern Language Association of America.122, no. 2, (2007): 449-463

López, Guadalupe. “Análisis de grupos y páginas de fans”. En Proyecto Facebook

Penenberg, Adam L Viral loop : from Facebook to Twitter, how today's smartest businesses grow themselves. New York : Hyperion, 2009

Panteli, Niki Virtual Social Networks. Mediated Massive and multiplayer sites. Basingstoke and New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2009

Piscitelli, Alejandro Meta-Cultura. Buenos Aires: La Crujía Ediciones, 2002.

---- , Proyecto Facebook.

Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty. Death of a Discipline. New York: Columbia University Press, 2003.

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