Thursday, May 13, 2010

Videos and Literature

Webs with videos were also a good alternative for the discussion. The Web Porta 9[i], offered articles and also videos with interviews or discussions to many writers.

The decade of 2000 was as well the boom of independent publishers in Peru: Estuendomudo, Borrador, Tranvías, Matalamanga, etc and because of their small budgets they looked for alternative ways to promote themselves instead of paying for publicity in traditional media. Many of the created blogs and also videologs. Borradores Editores was the first group that made an internet transmission of the Lima International Book Fair in 2008. They made interviews to different writers, including Mario Vargas Llosa[ii], but also was the first publisher that made a homemade Video-Trailer in 2007 for one of their books: ‘El Círculo Blum’ by Luis Zúñiga. In 2010, the author of the ‘Libro del Blog’, Renato Cisnero also had a trailer (with more budget) for his first novel Nunca confiés en mí, published in Alfaguara[iii]. Borrador Editores also made another trailer and it’s probably that won´t be that the last one.

A Video Trailer for a book? Why not? Is there is a ‘libro del blog’, it is possible to have also a ‘libro del Facebook’ or ‘Libro del Twitter’.

Renato Cisneros' book trailer

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